Latest News


September 2024

20th September 2024

This is the first of the weekly newsletters that will be coming out through Class Dojo. We want to keep you up to date with what is happening in school. We are also trying to use the School Story on Class Dojo to get up to date information to you including diary reminders – this may mean that you see diary reminders for year groups other than your child’s. Please ignore any that are not relevant to your child.

As a result of discussions with parents last year, we have developed a Home-School Communication Policy which can be found here: This explains how staff will be using Class Dojo this year.

Year 3 are are off to the church next week where the children will learn more about harvest and also what can be found in a church. This week they have especially enjoyed starting their photo frame project.

Year 4 have had a great start. In maths and English, we have been laying the foundations for an excellent year with number and sentence work. In the wider curriculum, we have started to learn about Blakeney, tint and shade in art and Mamma Mia in music. We are looking forward to lots of experiences and learning to come!

Year 5 have made a great start to the year and we are already enjoying some of the topics being covered this half term such as Space in Science and finding out about the Anglo-Saxons in History. We are looking forward to our trip to the Time and Tide Museum in October to find out even more.

This week Year 6 have been learning what is in blood and what the different parts do. Ask the children what red blood cells and white blood cells do!

A big that you to Footprint for the installation of our fabulous new slide. This, with our climbing frames and sand pit, is giving lots more opportunities to play. Hopefully there is more to come!

Thank you to all families who have signed children up for extra-curricular clubs this term. There are 17 clubs running through the week with 185 pupils attending. That means 45% of the school are attending at least one extra-curricular activity a week. That is an incredible number of pupils! There still some spaces left in a limited number of clubs. If you have any suggestions of other clubs we could run, please do let us know.

Finally, school is often contacted by parents and members of the public who are concerned about how people are parking outside the school and driving that is considered dangerous. The school can do no more that ask parents to park considerately and to obey the laws of the road. As such, click on this link to access the Parking Information Leaflet for details and also how to report anything that has caused you concern. You can report using an form online at or through 101.